Sunday, January 9, 2011

George Lucacs Biography

    He was born in May 14, 1944 in Modesto, California and no he is not dead he is still alive. His father was British Swiss German. While his mother was German and Scot-Irish. They lived in very middle class conditions, they had to sell retail office supplies to buy a Walnut Ranch. Rather than the bigger sibling helping their younger ones his younger sister pick fights with kids who are bullying George. At first George wasn't interested in movie making but a professional race car driver. On June 12, 1962 he got into tragic car accident that would lead him to death if he hadn't crash into a walnut tree. After the car crash he began to think about his life and decided to go to college at Modesto Junior College. He had an AA degree at cinematography and camera tricks. He began making short movies with his friends and then went to San Francisco and went to jazz clubs. He was beginning to find abstract films very interesting. He showed his movies to everywhere in San Francisco like the film fair.  Lucas then had a film mentor in the filming industry. He later transferred to USC of Cinematic Arts.
    He got awarded a scholarship by Warner Brothers. He didn't only made Star Wars he also made a movie of American Graffiti first. After his big success in the movie American Graffiti he made a new movie called Star Wars. Pixar was helping Lucas with his graphics etc. After his divorce he stopped filming or making the film. 20 yrs later Disney wanted to buy Pixar for 7.4 billion dollars in stock money. 

1 comment:

  1. "hes still not dead hes still alive" you mean he is. So, you have to use he's. Just because someone lives on a ranch doesn't mean they are poor. He owned cars as a teenager. I think they were pretty middle class. " In June 12, 1962 he got into tragic car accident that would lead him to death if he hadn't crash into a walnut tree he was thought dead because they couldn't find his pulse." You could say, In June of 1962 or on June 12, 1962. But you don't say "in" when saying the whole date. It doesn't make sense that crashing into the tree is what prevented death. You need to rework that sentence.

    "decided to go to college". He got an AA degree... Please make your font the same size. "Jazz clubs, etc" Don't capitalize jazz. Take out etc. Both of them. Only use it when you have a list of things and you're referring to more things like that. The government did not give him any money. The last sentence doesn't seem very connected to anything else.

    Fix all of this before I give you a grade.

    Ms. H
