Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Media Questions & Answers

Your group may work together to come up with the answers. But each of you will be given a grade based on your blog entry. It's OK if they are the same IF they're really good. 
  1. Which of the 8 rules of Media Literacy is illustrated in the Beauty and Body Image article? Why and how?
  2. The article on advertising to children is a great example of media constructing reality (#2 rule of Media Literacy). Can you think of an example of media constructed reality aimed at teens? Tell me what it is and how it constructs reality.
  3. The commercial implications (#4) of media literacy are illustrated in The Economics of Ethnicity link. Do you think most media does a good job of showing what your real life is like? The number of minority people you see daily, the kinds of problems you have in real life, the way those problems get solved - are these things that you see in TV shows, movies and advertising?
Hopefully, answering these questions will help you understand what media literacy is and guide you in making your presentation. You will be graded on evidence that you read and discussed the articles and the thoroughness of your answer. It's important that you get this job done today. If you don't finish in class, do it for homework.

1. The rule of Media Literacy that illustrates the Beauty and Body Image article is rule number 5 Media contain ideological and value messages because it tells all media is constructed and Media is built by people. Your thinking of the ways you think about all media that makes this world our reality. 
2. In other parts of the world it’s not a big deal of kids watching movies people having sex in movies such as Europe. 
3. I do think our media does a good job of showing what our real life is like. All advertising is media, and its also giving us what is popular and good in life. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Media Arts Commerical

   My group had to make a commercial on our Media Arts class. My group members are Gordon and Stephanie. The commercial isn't about encouraging future 7th graders of joining this class because you can't choose your class if you have bad grades. But, for those who have good grades and can choose this as their elective class. The commercial shows what our class did this past year. So they would know what similar projects they might be going to do for their entire year. But, this commercial will not be shown to anybody except for Ms.Hendrix. My job was to record part of the video and we just kept on switching roles. We had a hard time cooperating because we were constantly getting distracted. I think we did a good job doing our commercial.